Dec 22

Story of the INOBY Bottle Warmer

by Sam & Joh

“We had many worries when we first welcomed our first daughter to the world.”

Looking back after surviving the first six months, of being first time parents, one of the most stressful things we came across was how to make a bottle of milk at the right temperature when she was screaming her lungs out for milk in the middle of the night or in the middle of the busy mall (that's when we thought eat out to help out was a good idea...). The first few months were the hardest when baby would feed quite frequently, and my milk was never enough. Based on tips and advice I got, I started expressing milk in a desperate move to try to increase my supply, however, baby wouldn't take my cold expressed milk.

Every night, we were always struggling to settle her down - is it a dirty nappy or is she still hungry? sleepy? Or just plain colic? Being first time parents and not knowing the real reason for Phoebe’s crying, it was such a stressful time for us. While I try to calm her down and breast feed her, Sam would get our plan B ready – warm up chilled expressed milk or prepare formula milk if we’ve run out of expressed milk. I’ll plea for Sam to make it quick, as every second of her cry seems like eternity. Poor Sam then ends up frantically boiling a kettle of water, preparing the bowl, pouring hot water and soaking the cold baby bottle for a couple of minutes in an attempt to at least bring it to room temperature. He hasn’t always been successful, there were times the baby bottle will end up floating around the bowl or worse, spill my precious milk (hey, it's not called liquid gold for no reason!).

If he's preparing powdered formula and using freshly boiled water, there is always that risk that the milk is too hot - in fact, there was a time it burnt Phoebe. From this point on and against NHS guidelines, we ended up preparing her formula using room temperature water to avoid risking it.

When we’re out and about, it’s not always very easy to breastfeed in public, so we always plan to formula feed. We didn’t want to take a chance in asking for hot water from a café or restaurant either, so we carry a flask of hot water with us (after the burn incident, we just brought a bottle of water but then it gets cold!) With all the things we want to carry around in our baby bag, space was limited and a hot flask was bulky.

We ask ourselves, there's got to be a better way right?!

We looked around for a suitable baby bottle warmer and the ones available in the market have to be plugged in, take a lot of counter space, heavy, clunky and just not very practical.

This is when the INOBY portable warmer was born. It's the first battery powered portable bottle warmer in the UK. It's also light and portable making it extremely easy to carry around and use. A couple clicks of a button will heat up a bottle of water or milk at the right temperature every time (no more guesswork and risk of burning!). The warmer can keep the bottle warm for 2-4 hours, which means you can leave the cable at home when you are out and about.

You can always use the same power bank that you use to charge your phone to charge the warmer when you needed more power.

Now, Sam warms up my chilled expressed milk ahead of feeding baby at home stress free. When we're out (lockdown rules adhered to), we just bring pre-mixed formula milk and warm up on the go and not have to worry about having to discreetly breast feed or worry about asking for hot water.

Imagine spending less stress on preparing a bottle of milk at the right temperature and spending more time with your kid.



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